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Wong Karwai (王家衛 S Wáng Jiāwèi P Shanghai 17 luglio 1958) è un regista sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico cinese che lavora a Hong KongFigura anomala del cinema hongkonghese Wong Karwai che pure ha influenzato numerosi cineasti risulta stilisticamente isolato rispetto al cinema cinese contemporaneo Con la sua opera ha messo in scena il fluire.
KarWai Wong IMDb
Wong Karwai (Shanghái 17 de julio de 1958) es un director de cine chinohongkonés reconocido internacionalmente por sus filmes únicos visualmente y muy estilizados Inicios Nacido en Shanghái emigró a los cinco años a Hong Kong Al provenir de la China Continental y hablar solamente mandarín y dialecto shanghainés pasó por un difícil periodo de adaptación al.
Wong Karwai Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
KarWai Wong Writer Yi dai zong shi Wong Karwai (born 17 July 1956) is a Hong Kong Second Wave filmmaker internationally renowned as an auteur for his visually unique highly stylised emotionally resonant work including Ah fei zing.
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Police have alleged the incidents occurred during Mr Wong’s massage sessions with several clients from 2013 to 2016 and 2019 to 2021 The matter is listed for a fiveday trial to be held in Geraldton from March 14 Mr Wong this week applied for a Cantonese interpreter to be present via audio link during the hearing.