Buah Kedondong In English. buah kedondong translation in MalayEnglish dictionary Showing page 1 Found 0 sentences matching phrase “buah kedondong“Found in 0 ms Contextual translation of “buah kedondong” into English Human translations with examples 果汁 men fruit terung லாலிபாப் ambarella kiwifruit Spondias Dulcis.
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kedondong Indonesian to English General / …
Buah kedondong is a tropical fruit commonly found in South and South East Asia There are different types of kedondong big and small It comes with an oval shape Kedondong is a plant fruit trees in the form of english called ambarella otaheite apple or the Great Hog Plum.
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Translation for ‘buah kedondong‘ in Indonesian>English dictionary Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs.
10 Health Benefits of Spondias dulcis ( kedondong, juplon
Buah Kedongdog Ambra drink Sweet sour dried plum (suiboey) Binomial name for buah kedongdong is Spondias Dulcis It’s a tropical tree It is anMissing englishMust include.
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54 Nama Buah dalam Bahasa Inggris (dari A – Z)
Langsat And Buah What’s Ciku, Kedondong, Sukun In English?
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Ambarella facts and health benefits
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Kedondong Information, Recipes and Facts
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OverviewDescriptionHabitatAs foodVernacular namesExternal linksSpondias dulcis (syn Spondias cytherea) known commonly as ambarella (ඇඹරැල්ලා) in Sri Lanka or June plum is an equatorial or tropical tree with edible fruit containing a fibrous pit In the English speaking Caribbean it is typically known as golden apple and elsewhere in the Caribbean as cythere Text under.