Aplikasi Depres. Aplikasi ini membantu Anda memantau suasana hati Anda dengan tes penilaian yang melacak tingkat keparahan mood depresif dan memberikan beberapa sumber yang bertujuan untuk mendidik Anda tentang pola pemikiran negatif.
This application will reset your computer to a specific point The process is called freezing the system at a specific point Whether it is a single computer or multiple connections in a single operation this program has it all covered So once you have frozen a system every time it reboots everything goes back to the point at which it was.
Indonesian Depression Checklist Apps on Google Play
The Depression CBT SelfHelp Guide provides education on depression and the best strategies for managing the symptoms It encourages you to engage in selfcare behaviors that can improve your mood When you download the app you’ll be able to complete a questionnaire that helps you identify the severity of your depression.
Google Scholar
Description MoodTracker is an easy to use journal for your emotional state Whenever your mood changes you can use MoodTracker to state how you feel rate your feeling on a 1to5 scale and add a brief description of what made you feel that way This application is great for people suffering from depression or who have trouble controlling.
Get MoodTracker Microsoft Store
Depression Test yang dikeluarkan oleh Baris Sarer ini merupakan aplikasi yang dapat mendiagnosis dan memantau tingkat depresi seseorang Dengan aplikasi ini kamu dapat mengikuti tes PHQ9 untuk menentukan apakah kamu mengalami depresi atau tidak memeriksa tingkat keparahan depresi menyimpan hasil tes sekaligus memantau perbaikan kondisi.
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15 Best Apps For Depression 2021 Depression Apps
This app is designed for user to measure and monitor their own mental health status using the DASS21 The DASS21 is a 21 item self report questionnaire designed to.